Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I don't have a whole lot to say. My kids have done some pretty feakin' funny stuff lately, but at the present my head is full of choir rehearsal crap and so I can't remember anything specific. I am super grateful to them for keeping it together when I'm still off my rocker. I am so blessed and I am so aware of those blessings, but I can't dump the funk. You know how every once in a while all the ducks in the pond (of your brain) are floating nicely, in a row. Then something comes along and eats one? That's where I am. It really isn't a big thing either. I think it is a bunch of little things gnawing away at the once happy, free floating duck. Whatever it was... I can't get the rest of my little ducks back in a row and I'm grieving. Angry or sad pick one...quickly because it will be the opposite in a minute.

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