Those girls. So cute, if I do say so myself.
When Jason and I first got married we sat through a Sacrament meeting, (well that was silly we have sat through several Sacrament meetings) I was goo-gooing a baby girl and Jason wrote me a note about how I would be with "Our girls" that we would have. For a while there I began to lose hope that there would be "s". I never knew there would be eight years between them, but it was worth the wait.
So Caleb turned 5. Four days ago...that is. Regardless, here are the pictures.
We had a good time. Just family. Jason was home. He'll be home for Spencer's birthday, but that's it. He has to miss the 3 birthdays we have next week. Well actually he won't miss his own birthday. He'll be with himself then. Which is Monday. Mine is Thursday, (which is good because I think Thursdays are my favorite day) and then Joey turns 2 on Saturday. Sigh...
Anyway, Ellie has a new hairstyle. I love it. 6 months old today with pig tails.
She has got to be the happiest baby ever. She's the happiest I've ever had. I am SUPER grateful. She is wonderful, quick with a smile for anyone. She has always belly laughed, she didn't have to learn how, her first laugh was a full, real laugh like she'd been doing it for years. She's easy to please. We always joke that she let Jacob and Joey cut ahead of her in line in the Pre-mortal just because they were being so obnoxious, and in her pleasant nature she said "Go ahead" in response to their impatience.
Well... I have a trip to the park to post later. And then we'll be mostly caught up. So until then...
Good day to ya.
Such cute kids. I wish we lived closer to each other.
She is such a doll! I'm glad you are enjoying your happy baby. That's so nice.
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