I wanted to add this quote a couple days ago, but now is as good a time as ever
"God bless you, mothers. When all the victories and defeats of men's efforts are tallied, when the dust of life's battles begin to settle, when all for which we labor so hard in the world of conquest fades before our eyes, you will be there, you must be there, as the strength for a new generation, the ever-improving onward movement of the race." Gordon B.Hinckley
I must welcome Lauren and Niki as the first official members of the AMoM club. Lauren has two cute kids. Niki has 3 and is expecting #4. And since you two are probably the only ones who really read my blog your links are already on my page. I met these two lovely ladies in a magical place called Laramie. I grew up with their husbands and their families. Laramie is magical because it has this magnetic ability that has the tendency to keep its residence coming back. If you manage to leave its trapping range you'll find yourself longing for home and a way to live closer. Its prettier than Cheyenne and Casper, but its not gorgeous. The people are nice though. I've met my bestest friends their. I that is why I like it. But Laramie is not what I wanted to write about today.
Today I wanted to write about yesterday. Yesterday was Sunday. Sunday sucked, and no they don't have a song for that one(that's it Jenn write one about that) I didn't prepare on Saturday like I should have. We did pretty good about getting dressed and ready to go, so I thought. I wasn't rushing to make it on time because Sacrament meeting is becoming pretty unbearable when Jason is gone. So my aim was again the Relief Society room, where we can practice sitting and listen over the speaker to the meeting. I asked the older kids to find Joey some shoes, I made sure to tell them to make sure they got him two shoes that were both size 5. We have 3 pairs of the same shoe, 2 size 5's and 1 size 6. I also asked them to get everybody in the car while I got the baby ready to go and made sure my outwardly appearance wouldn't scare anyone. I had actually contemplated staying home but I knew that would be an open invitation for Satan to join us for Sunday dinner. I really do not enjoy his company. So I pressed for obedience and going to church. Back to the car. We were all in and ready to go. Everybody was complaining. We got to the building(10-20 mins away depending on which way and how fast you go)and as I went to go get Joey out of his car seat I noticed that he had his left shoe on his foot and another shoe on the floor. No biggie except as I went to pick it up I noticed that it was another left. Gabe said from the back of the car "They both said 5." "Yes, Gabe I suppose they did." So Joey went to church with no shoes. When we got in the RS room I noticed that Gabe had no socks on. I had specifically found his black socks for him and left them on his dresser. I guess he thought that church was not a formal affair and that it was 'black sock optional'. All the kids 4 1/2 and under cried through the rest of Sacrament meeting, which happened to be not even half way over when we got there. Joey is usually pretty amiable and I couldn't figure out what his issue was until I realized that I had not fed him, again chalk one up to the anti-mother of the year award. I asked my friend who is the nursery leader to feed him quickly so he wouldn't starve until snack time. Everybody went to class and I got to sit in Sunday School for about 5 min then I was called into the older nursery because Jacob was throwing a lay down on the floor fit. He was fine after a little while and I got to leave and go to Relief Society. After the lesson started, just barely after the lesson started who should I hear messing around very loudly through the halls on their way to class. Dang Deacons. So I had to go yell at my Deacon and his whole class. His was the voice I heard most but it wasn't the only one. Man was I on a roll. Then I went to the mothers lounge and talked to my friend Stacey.
Church was over. I hope I get points for trying.
As first action in the MoM and AMoM club I would like to elect myself president. That is funny. All in favor? . . .Say Aye. Aye. . . The Aye's have it. hehe Now my first order of business is to lay out a format for how we say the funny things that happen to us. I would like them to be in "you might be a redneck" form according to your club. For example. If You find banana in a shoe. . .
you might be a MoM.
GROSS HUH? I guess they are tired of bananas
Now for the AMoM group it would be "you might be an AMoM"
OK meeting adjourned. Yeah, I don't know how long this will last. We'll see
good day to ya.
Does AMOM stand for AWOL MOM? If that's the case then I'm in the club too.
Gotta love the church stories. I had the beautiful experience of attending alone last Sunday. Five sick kids and a sick husband. So my Sunday was marvelous. At least one hour of it.
We were all sick so we were going to miss church anyhow then guess what happened?! They went off and canceled due to snow! I know this shouldn't make me irritated but I am (goes to show how goody goody I am NOT). How often do you get a free pass in heaven for missing Church...And we had to be sick so we couldn't even do anything wonderful! Although we had a record breaking puke-a-thon I don’t think you can call that a wonderful moment...
By the way, I really appreciated your tribute to the Prophet. He was an amazing man and I bet he is so thrilled to see his Beloved again. What a blessing he was to all of us.
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